Dr. Cannon has made presentations at the following organizations
Proceedings and Table Clinics:
Presentations (since 2005)
Advances in Esthetic Pediatric Dentistry- (To the Chicago Dental Society, Mid-Winter Meeting, February 24-27, 2005).
Update in Esthetic Pediatric Dentistry- (To the Brazilian Pediatric Dental Society, Recife Meeting, May, 2005). Modern management of Dental Caries; Restoring the Pediatric Dentition- (To Southern Illinois University Alumni Meeting, Edwardsville, Illinois, July 2005.) Advances in Esthetic Pediatric Dentistry- (To the faculty and graduate students of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Jan 2006). Development of New Light Cured Pulp Capping Agents- Update in new Clinical and Laboratory Research-( To the International Training Symposium, Schaumburg, Illinois, February, 2006). Update in Infant Oral Health, Continuing Education Module- (To the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, May 2006). Update in the “Open Sandwich Technique” and Retrieval Analysis, Continuing Education Module, - (To the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, May 2006). Effects of Different Pulp Capping Agents on Hard Tissue Bridge Formation- (To the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2006). Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the 37th Meeting of the Group of Brasilian Orthodontic and Pediatric Dental Professors, Porto De Galinhas, Brasil, November 2006.) Development of TheraCal- (To the Adhesion Symposium and International Distributors Meeting, Schaumburg, USA, February, 2007.) Update in Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Hong Kong, June 2007.) Update in Conservative Esthetic Pediatric Dentistry- (To the Chulalongkorn University Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, June 2007.) Update in Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Columbus Dental Society, Columbus, Ohio, September 2007.) Clinical Application of TheraCal in Minimally Invasive Dentistry- ( To the International Training Seminar, Westin Hotel, Schaumburg, IL, February, 2008.) Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Modern Pediatric Dental Practice- ( To the Racine Dental Society, Racine Wisconsin, March 2008.) Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Pediatric Department, Nova Southeastern University, March 2008.) Modern Management of Dental Caries- (To the Australasian Pediatric Dental Association, Brisbane, Australia, April 2008.) New Developments in Restorative Care- An Update in Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2008.) Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Modern Pediatric Dental Practice- (To the Pediatric Department, Nova Southeastern University, September 2008.) Modern Management of Dental Caries- (To the Moscow State University Dental Conference, September, 2008.) Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Modern Pediatric Dental Practice- ( To the St. Petersburg State University Dental Congress, Russia, October, 2008.) Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Modern Pediatric Dental Practice- ( To the Wisconsin Pediatric Dental Society, November, 2008.) Update in Minimally Invasive Dentistry- ( To the Chicago Dental Society, Mid Winter Meeting, February, 2009). Probiotics and Pediatric Dental Practice- (To the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Annual Meeting, May 2009). Minimally Invasive Dentistry in Modern Pediatric Dental Practice- ( To the Nova Southeastern Dept of Pediatric Dentistry, November, 2009.) Probiotics and Preventive Dentistry- (To the Dental Hygiene of Harper College, December, 2009.) Probiotics and Pediatric Dental Practice- (To the Iowa Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Annual Meeting, March, 2010). Effects of an Antibacterial and Hemostatic Agent on the Mechanically Exposed Dental Pulps of Swine – (To the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, Korea, April, 2010). Probiotics and Pediatric Dentistry- (To the Seoul National University Dental Hospital, Seoul Korea, April, 2010). Update in Pediatric Dentistry and Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Pediatric Dental Graduate program, UNESP, Aracatuba, Brazil, September 2010). Minimally Invasive Dentistry- (To the Annual Congress of the Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Torreon, Mexico, October, 2010). An Evolutionary Approach to Revolutionary Changes in Pediatric Dentistry-(To the Chicago Dental Society, February, 2011). Dental Diode Lasers in Pediatric Dentistry-(To the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Annual Meeting, New York, New York, May 2011). Preservation of the Dentin Hybrid Layer- (To the faculty and graduate students, Universite Paris Descarte, June 2011). Bonding You Can Depend On-(To General Dental Study Club, Athens, Greece, June 2011). Preservation of the Dentin Hybrid Layer- (To the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Athens Greece, June, 2011). Gingivitis, Oral and Systemic Health, and Probiotics-(To the Annual Probiotics Symposium, Alexandria, VA, September 2011). The Use of Probiotics for the Prevention of Dental Disease- (To the Elite Dental Study Club of Chicago, February, 2012). Update in Pediatric Dentistry -(To the Utah State Dental Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, February, 2012). Update in Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry-(To the McHenry Dental Society, Crystal Lake, IL, March 2012). Update in Pediatric Dentistry-(To the Midwestern Dental Meeting, Wisconsin, October, 2012). Update in Pediatric Dentistry-(To the Academy of General Dentistry, Annual Meeting, November, 2012). Probiotics and Preventive Dentistry- (To the Conley Study Group, November 2012). The New Mission of Contemporary Pediatric Dentistry: Preserving Pulp Vitality and the Hybrid Layer- (To the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Orlando, Florida May 2013). The Development of Smart Dental Materials: A Clinician’s Experience- (To the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Orlando, Florida May 2013). Bioactive Dental Materials- Development of Smart Materials-(To the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry, Seoul, Korea, June 2013). Dental Care for EB Patients- (To the Annual Picnic of EB parents, Palatine, Il. September 2013). Changing Concepts in Clinical Practice of Pediatric Dentistry- (To the Annual Meeting of the Mexico Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Mexico City, October 2013). BioActivity and Dental Materials- (To the Chicago Dental Society Mid-Winter Meeting, February, 2014). Special Needs Children: Oral Care and Probiotics- (To the Special Care in Dentistry Association Annual Meeting, Chicago Il., April 2014). Effectiveness of Probiotics in the Oral Health of Children- (To the Michigan Avenue Dental Study Club, Chicago, Il., May 2014). Effectiveness of Probiotics in the Oral Health of Children- (To the Chicago Academy of Dental Research, Glenview, Il., May 2014). TheraCal Research and Applications- (To the Adhesion Symposium, Itasca, Il., August 2014). Oral Care for Patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa- (To the DEBRA Conference, Nashville TN, August, 2014). The Evolution of Pediatric Dentistry; Changing Concepts in Clinical Practice- (To the Ohio Dental Association Annual Meeting, September 2014). Recognizing the Oral Systemic Link in our Children- (To the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health annual meeting , St. Louis, September 2014). Dental Practice with a Whole Body Approach- (To the American Academy of Oral Systemic Health, St. Louis, September 2014). Changing Concepts in Clinical Practice- (To the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Ann Arbor, October 2014). Preserving Pulpal Vitality- (To the Conley Study Club, Glenview, March 2015). Modern Concepts of Preventive Dentistry- (To the North Suburban Chicago Dental Society Meeting, November 2015). |